FRI Physics Stream

Magnetic Matter

material synthesis, nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy, optical fiber interferometry

our research

Our Research

The Magnetic Matter Stream focuses on materials physics and the design and development of materials for use in data storage, optics, sensors, and optical and infrared astronomy. Researchers synthesize a novel superconducting sample, test and analyze its properties, and contribute to a sub-project related to our research goals.



Our Strategy

Students gain a combination of basic theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience of condensed matter physics. We explore new materials synthesis via solid state reaction, followed by structural, microscopic, magnetic, thermal, and superconducting characterization of the materials. Students learn multiple skills in materials synthesis, as well as data analysis, teamwork, and trouble-shooting.

Magnetic Matter Researchers focus on:

  • performing cantilever micromagnetometry, interferometry, and magnetic resonance microscopy
  • basic Python, soldering and circuitry skills
  • working with high vacuum systems

Our Impact

We further the study of high temperature superconductivity by synthesizing and testing a number of novel polycrystalline superconductors and measuring their properties, such as electronic and magnetic behavior at low temperature.  Much of our research involves measuring incredibly small forces, which can be extrapolated out to measuring anything that generates a force with great precision. Notably, superconducting materials and materials experience unique behaviors at boundaries!

Our Team


Matthew Dwyer

  • FRI Research Educator, Magnetic Matter Stream
Profile image of John Markert

John Markert

  • Professor
  • Elizabeth B. Gleeson Professorship in Physics
  • Distinguished Teaching Professor
  • Physics


Course Credit
Research Outcomes

Coming Soon!