In This Lab, Students Dig Into Antibiotic-Resistance Research
Meet the team behind a newly transformed experiential-learning biology course, reaching hundreds of UT students.

Students Win Big at International Synthetic Biology Competition
Undergraduate students at UT Austin are recognized for their work which could save bats from a condition that is often deadly and dangerous.

Like Their Domestic Cousins, Native Bees are Hurt by Pesticides
Numerous studies have found negative impacts of agrochemicals, such as neonicotinoids, on both honey bees and native bees, and researchers like Felicity Muth and her lab at UT Austin are contributing to this field.

Natural Sciences Researchers Win President’s Award for Global Learning
A team with two CNS undergraduates of UT Austin were involved with research about the relationship between undergraduates' mental health and their social support networks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

First Confirmed Detection of Neutron Stars Crashing into Black Holes
UT Austin scientists were involved in detecting two events, occurring 10 days apart in January 2020, in which black holes and neutron stars collided.

Graduating Senior Finds Passions in Exoplanets and Outreach
Zoe de Beurs wasn't sure what she wanted to do when she first arrived at UT Austin, but after graduating, she started a Ph.D. in Planetary Science at MIT.